TRACK REVIEW: Hayden “Nowhere We Cannot Go”



Hayden has released his first single “Nowhere We Cannot Go” from his forthcoming eighth full-length album Hey Love. The Toronto-based musician humbly pulls back the curtain allowing listeners into his heart and home studio with the elated lyrics and conquering piano, saved from the accidental corniness that sometimes happens with triumphant ballads with rock ‘n’ roll shreds of synthesizer and electric guitar.

“It’s been so rough, we have been through more than enough / But without this love, there would be no reason for either of us,” reminds Hayden. In an industry of cynicism such encouragement may be hard to believe, but then you learn that the Canadian spent this fall making music with his wife Christie Greyerbiehl who happens to throw benefits for Toronto’s Beverley St. School for developmentally disabled children. We look forward to hearing the rest of Hey Love to investigate further what lies behind those kind eyes, ’cause when this guy tells you there’s nowhere we can’t go, we tend to believe him.

Enjoy “Nowhere We Cannot Go” below.

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