TRACK PREMIERE: Howth “Leonardo”


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Photo by Bryan Bruchman


What if childhood never had to end? Despite an increased need to clean and an ugly habit of paying bills, I’ve learned it doesn’t have to. We have artists using their madness to keep the world beautiful for those who walk the line (and those who don’t). And sometimes, to keep things a little more funky, that art is inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Their new track “Leonardo” might have a muse that’s a crime fighting giant reptile from your childhood bedroom, but the song inspired is a mature and moving listen displaying the emotional insight and talent grown ups can make when they don’t take themselves too seriously.

Howth is releasing their new album Trashy Milky Nothing Town on June 2nd via Bandcamp, and is available for pre-order. In the meantime, listen to “Leonardo” below. And – don’t miss their premiere show June 2nd at Shea Stadium.

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