TRACK OF THE WEEK: Girlpool “Cherry Picking”

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When you combine two best friends on a new adventure, a guitar and bass, and raw natural emotion, you hear the sound that is Girlpool. Newly relocated to Philly from Los Angeles, Cleo Tucker and Harmony Divided’s new sound projects this location change. The newly released track, “Cherry Picking,” follows their new trend of mellower and more emotional tracks; a vast difference from their EP released last year. Their self-titled seven track EP has a bit more of an angst-fueled rhythm to it, filled with songs about what it’s like to be a girl (including fun things like being eaten out while watching American Beauty). “Cherry Picking,” on the other hand, opens with a whispered, “I was cherry picking, I was cherry picking dreams.” The three and a half minute song continues on like a nostalgic daydream with their hazy harmonies sprinkled throughout. As the tempo picks up, the sound still stays minimal. I always found the rawness of Cleo and Harmony’s voices one of the major appeals to their genuine and relatable sound. The song closes with a harmonized yelp of “Yes I am picking cherries, I have a hard time staying clean.” You can listen to “Cherry Picking” below, or on their debut full length, Before The World Was Big, to be released this Tuesday, June 2 on Wichita Recordings. 

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