
RYAL is Jacque Ryal, an alt-pop artist from San Diego, CA who moved to New York when she was 18. Although her earlier work was considerably darker and drew comparisons to groups such as Portishead, RYAL has challenged herself to write songs that were both optimistic and timeless on her upcoming release.

Though her new music aspires to be happier, I sense the same longing in the song “Wish” as I feel everyday from November to April: What happened to summer? Why did summer have to go away? It helps that the track invokes a trip to the beach; along with producer Aaron Nevezie, she’s created a bouncy, but focused beat with splashes of tropical guitar and synths that will have you missing the good days when the sun didn’t set before 6pm: “We had a good love/ Not just a summer fling…I miss you bad when the sun falls on to its knees.” Her words capture the bittersweetness of a fleeting romance, while the music reflects the brightness and happiness she experienced before she knew it was gone. 

The RYAL EP will be available on February 19, but we have the exclusive stream below.




Coming off last week, one filled with mourning for the moving on of icons from earth to constellations, we found it important to kick off this cold January Monday with something you can dance to. Labeled alt pop, but twinkling like alt disco, RYAL’s single “Jill” will audibly fill your room like a thrift shop disco ball. The song comes from the New Yorker’s upcoming EP, slated to come out February 19.

Listen to “Jill” below.

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