If you’ve been getting bored by listening to the same playlist on repeat, consider refreshing it with Prinze George’s newest: “Make Me,” an extremely satisfying and likable offering from the Brooklyn-based quartet who brought you “Victor” back in January. Within the first seconds of the dreamy intro, you’ll be captivated by Naomi Almquist’s airy vocals wafting over a dreamy synth intro, knowing it’s the start of something good.
Beginning with soft whispering repetition, the song sets off with subtle flirtation, but as it progresses, the mood (and Almquist’s delivery) shifts into something much more assertive, the longing in her voice at full tilt over the breezy and sweet production. The simplicity of its structure belies its lyrical complexity; at first blush the song’s narrative is rooted in romantic desire, but a careful listen reveals that it’s not so much about crushing hard as it is about being exhausted by said crush, and in a sick, stubborn way, finding pleasure in having it go unrequited.
“Make Me” is perhaps the foursome’s most straightforward and accessible track, but that’s not to say it’s dull. Their previous singles, “Victor” and “This Time,” while rooted in a pop sensibility, are more uptempo, aggressive, and dramatic, with dynamic, interchanging intensity. “Make Me” sees Prinze George making a foray into an almost bubblegum territory, but this new direction seems to be a good one. The sublime vocals and ethereal electro-pop harmony make it a light-hearted, summery tune. There are no big surprises, or crazy beat drops – just a relaxing, effervescent melody buoyed by playful vocals and sweeping synth textures that emphasize Almquist’s patient provocations. What she’s yearning for is up to the listener’s imagination, but the track is enough to make us ditch those tired playlists for good.
Visit the band’s Facebook page for a free download of the song. And if you’re in Brooklyn, check out their upcoming show at Brooklyn Bowl on 6/1, which is free with RSVP.