The rapper mentions Bird Box, the government shutdown, cell phone surveillance and homelessness in Cincinnati.
Last week, Cincinnati rapper Allen4President appeared on The Wiz radio station’s Freestyle Friday. Although a talented lyricist in the booth, Allen4President proved he’s just as comfortable and quick on his feet in a freestyle. He raps “lifestyle music,’ as he calls it, and recalls inspiration from things he’s seen to immediately spit over the air.
The hip hop artist also recently dropped The President’s Room, a 13-song album featuring Chris Cooks, LaBron Denair and TkoLa, but Allen4President stands out with his thoughtful verses and steady flow.
Freestyles are a central part of hip hop culture as well as one of the best tests of emcee talent. Right now, he’s riding high off two successes in a row, but he’s sure to impress us again very soon.