2016 Year End Lists

2016 has been a rough and tumble year to say the least. Despite the ups and downs, however, we’ve seen some dazzling music emerge from its presses. From top 40 go-tos, to the overlooked and the brand-spanking new, we’ve had a better time on this batty ride thanks to music. Here are some of our staff picks: Madison Bloom talks about her favorite hidden gems of the year; Jerilyn Jordan waxes ever-poetical about her beloved city and launches the inaugural “2016 Playing Detroit Awards”; Suzannah Weiss documents emerging female DJs to note for 2017, while Nicole Ortiz recounts the best reunion shows of the year. Emily Daly brings us the “Best & Worst” in her beautifully curated News Roundup, Gabby Salinardo lists the top 10 social commentary songs of 2016, and lastly I will regale you with my favorite albums of the year – most of which you hopefully haven’t heard yet – with the intention of delivering something fresh to your ears and your heart as we head into the new year. Suffice to say, I’m honored to be working with such a talented crew of women and can’t wait to continue unearthing and expanding our content as we move forward together in this crazy world.

  • Staff Picks – Gabby Salinardo: Top 10 Social Commentary Songs of 2016

  • Staff Picks – Madison Bloom: Under-heard/Under-sung Releases of 2016

  • Staff Picks – Nicole Ortiz: Anniversary and Reunion Shows of 2016